Beatriz Esguerra ArtBogotá
Since opening in 2000, Beatriz Esguerra Art has promoted selected Colombian artists locally and internationally. The gallery is committed to fostering the careers of its represented artists, from emerging to established, through carefully curated projects, exhibitions, publications, international art fair participation, and joint ventures with international galleries.
BEA provides consultation and services in commercializing art, curating exhibits and collections and organizing art events. Its webpage, www.beatrizesguerra-art.com, is continually updated with the gallery's and artists' exhibits and activities, works available for sale, and local and international art market news.
Permanence, transcendence, intelligence, aesthetics, harmony, and skill are the values that BEA looks for in art. Art should enrich both the soul and mind, in that order. With an academic training in art history and more than 35 years experience in the field, Beatriz Esguerra, director of Beatriz Esguerra Art, has always abided by her mission: to enrich lives through art, with integrity and professionalism.
Featuring Works By:
- Camila Echavarría
- Pablo Arrazola
- Pedro Ruiz
- Juan Carlos Rivero-cintra
- Carlos Nariño
- Daniela Mejia
- Angélica Chavarro
- Cra. 16 No. 86B-31
- Bogotá DC 110221
- https://www.beatrizesguerra-art.com